I posted my summer homework list last week. I am not able to cross off anything from my list however I am working hard on my Writing/Reading/Phonics Framework and my exit expectations. I did take some time for daydreaming on Amazon and I found this book that looks interesting so I ordered it.
It came the next day....really I couldn't believe it. So I am adding it to my summer reading list. I read the introduction today and my goal is to read a chapter a week. I did this last year too. I like to read the chapter and instead of telling you about the chapter I like to reflect on my own teaching and how I can use that information in my classroom. Hopefully you will find some new ideas from my review as well.
"Writing every day"
I do believe that the children should have time every day to read and write. One thing I plan to change in my classroom is to make sure that the students have at least 20 minutes of writing time each day. That does not include my mini- lesson. I felt this was lacking in my classroom last year. I struggled with time constraints all year. My math lessons went over each day and took time from my mini lessons, which then took time from writing.
"Mini-lessons...echo what is introduced in a core program.....but with examples from my students each week."
I need to make my mini-lesson short and to the point. We talked too much on the carpet. I need to make sure I am using their work to teach.
"students write every day about topics they have chosen that are dear to their hearts"
This I felt my kids were able to do. I generally gave them one suggestion a quarter and then they had time to write one piece of their choice as well. Some students wrote some cute stories. My motivated students wrote several books a quarter where as some of my students struggled to finish one. I need to have a better grip on the progress they are making.
I love this review/reflection. So much I can learn. Thank you!!!
Thanks Alyce for your comment. I hope you have a nice summer.