The Kindergarten Café
This is the final dramatic play
area for the year,
Crusty Crab Café.
We are learning about the ocean for
the rest of the year so in the dramatic play area we have a seaside café.
I put up some dolphin posters so it
looks like the children are eating in one of the aquariums where you are
surrounded by fish.
There are menus made out of folders.
There are crabs and lobsters. My favorite thing in this center in the crab
dishes and cups I found a few years ago at Target.
There are fish tablecloths and
There was a cash register however it broke.
Please...Please....Please vote for my class on Facebook again today. We are trying to win an ipad. Thank you, Sue.
I love the cafe!! So cute! Thanks for just gave me some great ideas for my house center.
The Daily Cupcake…A Kindergarten Blog