Monday, December 31, 2012

Goals for 2013

Happy New Years

This is the day to reflect and evaluate and make some quick adjustments. I feel I could improve in these areas in my classroom before this school year ends.
My TeachinGoals for 2013

1.     Improve my math instruction
ยท      Small groups/challenge materials

2.    Add more science observation lessons

3.    Find more time in our daily schedule for journaling


  1. I just need to find more time in the day!! lol
    Hope you have a great 2013!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  2. I have the one of the same goals...more small group/differentiated math instruction! I hope one of these days that I'll be a better math teacher. I hope you post about anything that you come up with for math in 2013--I need all the help I can get :).

    Kindergarten Kel


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