Friday, December 30, 2011

Penguin Word List

I hope you like penguins......because my next couple of posts will be all about penguins.  I love penguins.   I have over 50 stuffed penguins in my classroom.  I have started to redecorate my classroom with penguins.

I wish I could remember where I see these neat ideas so I could give credit to the proper person....but I saw this awesome idea in the fall to create a word chart for the students.  I printed a copy for the writing center and several other copies so the students could take them to their table spots.  Very Helpful!!!

So I made one of my own for the penguin unit you may download a copy if you would like. :)
Click on the image to download

If you missed my penguin poems look here: 


  1. Oh, penguins :) Super cute, easy to draw and tied into winter weather? Perfect for this time of year!

    I really look forward to using this with my little K's.

    I've added your blog to my favorite blog list! I'm just starting up and would so appreciate a link back! Thank you :)

  2. Thank you very much for sharing your great penguin creations! I found you on Pinterest. I'm planning to use these with The Emperor's Egg. : ) Lauren Goldsmith


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