Saturday, October 8, 2011

Kindergarten Pumpkin Market

Every month I like to change my dramatic play area.   
This month we have the Pumpkin Market.  
I can not take credit for this idea all on my own, it came about with a student teacher many years ago and this is what it has developed into over the years.  
I have a lot of fake stuff to avoid having extra unwanted creatures in the classroom. 

The girls love the sunflower field.   The flowers can be picked and put back behind the plastic.  
The children can pretend they are picking pumpkins.
They can pretend to sell the apples, pears, gourds, and other little pumpkins.
Inside one of the pumpkins is fake leaves that they can throw around and then rake up.
Under the table is a wheelbarrow to push around.  
In the back is aprons and straw hats for the children to wear.

The stand is just the kitchen table and the two chairs facing forward covered in material.

I had a sign for the market but it is I will make a new one this weekend.
I was also thinking of making little signs that say, Apples 5 cents, Pumpkins 10 cents, Pears 7 Cents,  you get the idea.
This is the pumpkin field.  The children will make scarecrows for the field before Open House. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea! I know what I am now planning for this weekend! Thanks for the inspiration.
