Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Thank you, Lori, from Preschool Teacher for inviting me to dream on your blog and share with your readers my wish list item for this year.  

 My name is Sue from The Very Busy Kindergarten, I am new to blogging this year but not new to teaching.

  As a teacher of many years I have accumulated a lot of things over the years and so I am not lacking resources in my room.  The parents where I teach are extremely generous and kind and are willing to provide the best for their children. 

But given the opportunity, I am not above wishing and dreaming and wanting to improve the learning experience I am providing my little learners. 
Right now I am looking at ways to improve my aging listening center.

My tape player is older than the hills and believe it or not the cassettes are starting to fall apart, some are 20 + years old.

So I was starting to think that I need to upgrade……… Will books on CDs be on their way out soon?

Nooks, Kindles, ITouch, Ipads …..books online are the new thing…..So I am thinking I am going to upgrade to the IPad2.

 However, I sure love the feeling you get when you open that Scholastic box with all the new books.  

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