Monday, August 22, 2011

Meet The Teacher

I was going to do something similar to this on Wednesday.....Parent Night for me...but since Abby started it I'll just join in.  

My name is Sue and this will be my 10th year teaching kindergarten at the same school, before that I taught first grade for seven years.  That is a lot of teaching.  To be honest I love kindergarten and first grade......but kindergarten takes a lot more energy to teach.  

I have always wanted to be a teacher from little on.   I wish my mom would have taken pictures of my playhouse when it was decorated like a school.  I taught my sister and brother for as long as they could take it.  

My first career was a mommy and then I finished college and started teaching.  My kids are all grown up but I am still a kindergartener at heart.

I can not wait to meet my new students.....the first couple weeks are always hard getting adjusted to each other....but after that we settle in and have a great time together.

I have lots of new ideas I want to try this year:  Math Stations and I want to develop Literacy Stations.  So this will be a big year for me.

I could not teach without my Smartboard...................Smartboards are has completely changed the way I do things in my classroom.  We are very animated and interactive with our lessons.   I love Brain Pop Jr. and Star Fall for introducing lessons and I have found lots of little clips that I use as my openers to a lesson. 

I am hoping to get a document camera this year so I can do more with displaying the student's journal work.   

I always love the Scholastic book orders............there are so many good books to choose from.......

Thanks for stopping by, Sue


  1. I'm a new follower!! Looking forward to sharing ideas with you this year!

    Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Do you mean you cannot teach with OUT your smartboard? I wish I had one?
