Friday, July 22, 2011

Bathroom Passes

I know there are so many different ways to have the children let you know that they are in the bathroom.

I just have them put a stuffed animal at their spot.  I have four stuffed animals for the bathroom.

This year with all the cute owls out there in the blogging world I decided to make my own. ( To tell the truth I had to have help from my mom because I do not sew very well.)

I found this idea months ago at 5 Orange Potatoes  and she has step by step directions there if you are interested..
5 Orange Potatoes

I made my owls out of baby hats I found on the clearance racks at Target for 25 cents so they turned out a little bit bigger and brighter.

I know some of you may be thinking how do I keep them clean.....and I am a clean freak.....I teach my kids to use hand sanitizer each time they walk into the room ......that way when they pick up the owl .....I know they have clean hands.  :)

This project was featured on:


  1. These are really cute! Just wanted you to know since I read your blog on Friday I've seen owls everywhere. I think about you and I don't even know you. Funny how the blog world works!

  2. Featured these today, Sue!
    Thanks so much for SHARING your adorable idea!
    Love 'em!
