Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Clean Start to the New Year

Today I went to my classroom to clean.  I washed tables, chairs and all the little furniture.  Hopefully all the dust bunnies are gone and the yucky germs that were going around before vacation.  I packed away all the Christmas things and books and out came the penguins.

I put out all new penguin nametags and locker tags and sprayed the room with Lysol.  I had to make my own name tags. I found black and white name tags and added penguin stickers.  

And my secret weapon to make sure when I come back to my classroom it smells good, I left a Febreze morning rain air freshener plugged in.  


  1. I need to do that too!!! I always love going back to a clean room and new crayons, etc. Hope you have a very blessed 2013!

  2. I'm headed up MOnday to my room. I'm at the mercy of someone else's key. They don't trust teachers enough to let us all have a key, but I am very grateful to have a buddy with a key and a desire to get in her room over the break! My day will be more than a little spruce up! I've gotten ride of two big tables and I need to rework my whole layout! I can not wait!!

  3. Just went to mine today! I must admit I didn't get nearly as much accomplished as you did. Have a great New Years!
    The Daily Cupcake…A Kindergarten Blog
