Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Word Books

For the past ten years I have been making these reading books for my students.......WARNING.......they are a lot of work!    

I think they are worth it......
the children can review from them all school year and summer.  
 Everything they need is in one place!  
 Parents love them......and my favorite comments  are from  my students throughout the years  and it sounds something like this...."My brother had this book and I have been waiting to get my own."

I make the books out of

The books are two sided.   
The first side of the book is a word family book....
I change the cover each year based on my theme.

I introduce and review about 20 word families a year.  

The other side of the book is the sight words.

Each of the sight words that I introduce throughout the kindergarten year is in the book.  It is in a sentence that we review in class.  We focus on five words a week.  The children who already know how to read have different sentences......a bit more challenging.  

The smile on the page means you can sound out the word.
The eyes means you need to learn the word with your eyes.  

Here is a complete list of my reading words and families:


  1. I love this! How long does it take? Is it individualized for each student?

  2. Thanks for commenting.....for most of the students it is the same.....I do have a couple students who are already reading at 2nd grade level so I try to give them different words..... or sometimes I print out the letters and make them put the letters in abc order.... or we make a spelling assessment out of it.

    For the sight words....they write their own sentences .... or I write harder sentences with the same words and different vocabulary as well.

  3. Oh I forgot to say...it takes about hour to prep each week.....1/2 hour for each side.

  4. Hi Sue,
    I love your blog:) I have awarded you The Versatile Blogger award! Come by my blog to pick it up!



  5. I love this idea and I just pinned it! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Hey! I love this idea! I tried to join the wiki but it kept telling me to "try again." Is there anywhere else I can look at what you have created?

  7. hi, i've been researching lately about sight words, I would love to introduce them with my 3yo daughter, is it alright if I can get a copy of you complete list of my reading words and families. Seems like the Wikispaces is no longer storing your lists... here's my email addres: anne2kin@yahoo.com

    Thank you in advance.

  8. These are great! If there would be any way you could email me a copy of them, that would be wonderful: lukeandtwyla@gmail.com
    Thank you!

  9. I love this idea! Can you email me your list or any templates you have for this word book? I'm going to make one ASAP for my kindergartner.

