Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blog Award

Thank You Kerri from Krazy Kindergarten for giving this award to my blog.....Now it is my turn to tell seven things about myself and pass on this award to seven more blogs.

I have decided to change it up a bit.....I hope you do not is November so I am going to award it to the seven blogs but instead of telling you seven things about myself I am going to tell things about how each blog influenced my teaching this year.

So here particular order......

I have found so many great art projects here.....the children love them and I have received so many  compliments on my art work that is hanging in the hallway.  The blog has added so much more color to my classroom.

I love reading this blog.  There are ideas here.   That you can really use.  I have incorporated a lot of the language arts ideas from this blog into my classroom.

I use this blog more as a has an excellent "pet sqworls" where there is an awesome base of places to look for ideas organized by themes.....I also like how she uses fun fonts in her classroom.  I am trying to do more of that.

I do not know where she finds the time to do everything she does......but she has so many amazing ideas.  I have purchased her math journal packs this year and I love them.....more importantly  the children are loving them as well.  This has added some consistency to my daily math story problems.

I know pinterest is not a blog.....but this site I think has had the greatest influence on my teaching.....I am able to store great ideas.....follow other great blogs......and retrieve information when I am ready for it.  It has connected me with so many other teachers it is unbelievable. 

I love Fran's blog as well....great idea's that you can use.  She posts a variety of activities as well.  I appreciate that she has free things to print out too.  

I know this is not a teaching blog....but this blog is where I get all my organizing and classroom decorating ideas from.......I can not go a day without reading this blog.  

1 comment:

  1. It has been a crazy youngest son broke his arm this week and my kiddos gave me a wicked cold, so this was just the pick me up I needed:) Thanks soooooo much!! Jonelle
