Sunday, November 13, 2011

50th Day of Kindergarten

It's our 50th day of Kindergarten.....and.....Wow ...... we were busy.

We had lots of fun activities.....
  • Of course the children came dress in clothes from the 50's!  :)  
  • We created shakes with 50 dots on them.  

  • We danced and had some rock and roll fun to 50's Music.
  • There was some counting by 10's with this bowling game I made for the children.  (It is called Mike's Bowling Game because  my son Mike drinks the Mountain Dew and he gave me all the soda bottles.----My children know him because he comes to visit them on the mornings he does not have college classes.)

I found a great 50th day patterning sheet here at Little Kindergarten Warriors

I also printed out some free sheets from Deanna Jump.   Thank You :)  
My favorite sheet was the tally mark sheet......that was perfect for my class.  That is something we are working on.   Counting by five's. 

I hope your 50th day of school was great!
Do you have a favorite 50 day activity to share?


  1. Thanks for sharing! :) I am always motivated by pictures! We have our 50th day on Wednesday, and I'm a little nervous since we haven't done this before and I've convinced my grade level to do it with me! :) Oh well, you never get wet if you don't jump in with both feet, right?

    Liesl in VA

  2. You will have a great time.....the kids left school today...saying....this is the best day. I even heard older kids in the hallway say....they remember 50's day and it was so much fun. Good Luck :) Sue
