Thursday, November 10, 2011


Thank you to all of you who continue to follow and read my little blog.........
I have only been blogging a few months but I have learned so much.   I would like to celebrate this milestone and share with you my top ten blogging ideas I incorporated into my teaching. 

1.   First of all reading blogs gave me the courage to do spray painting things to fix them up..... I was able to fix up all kinds of things for my classroom....

2.  I updated and added more organization to my labels for the centers...

See the little green box with the owl on it....that is my teacher organizational box.   All my school related items are organized in there for field trips, ordering, staff meeting, are in the more where is that.....because I know it will be filed away the green box!!    :)   

3.  This little notebook ..... I carry this notebook everywhere.  It holds all my important information.  What I need to do....What I need to buy....What I want to accomplish over time.....How I want to do something.....EVERYTHiNG!!!

4.  I am slowing reintroducing leveled reading back into my classroom and encouraging the children to read more on their own.  

5.  I wish I could remember which blog I saw this on but I love this graphic organizer idea......

6.  New....Fun...Bright.... Creative...Art  Ideas...   :)

7.  This behavior chart is amazing.....the positive working in my classroom.  I feel I have less problems this year. It could just be I have a terrific class.   I have had lots of positive feedback from parents as well.

8.  This is still a work progress....Math Stations.....still not working for me yet.  The kids like the activities.....but I am not sure they are completing them correctly.

9.  I have purchased several packets from the following ladies and I just loved them...I love the fact that I am supporting teachers!!!

10.  This is my Advent Project.....I am very excited about this...more to come on this later.....

And if you sat through this long post here is your reward.....I have a little giveaway.....If you leave a comment on my blog stating you are a follower then you will have a chance to win a $20 gift card to my favorite place....Starbucks!!!    If you want a second chance to win...then go to my DIY blog and be a follower there too and leave a comment.  I will use to pick the winner.  Please leave your blog name or email so I can contact you if you win.  ONLY ONE ENTRY PER PERSON ON EACH BLOG!!!    The Winner Will Be Announce on my Sunday, November 13, 2011 you have until Saturday Nov. 12th at Midnight to enter.  

Because this is my first giveaway....I reserve the right to adjust the rules and correct any errors to the give away  that there are because I want only one winner.  I am rewarding this winner on Sunday Nov. 13, 2011.  If a winner can not be contacted....... than I reserve the right to  go to Starbucks and have several grande nonfat Hot Chocolates myself and not feel guilty that the winner did not provide me with the correct information!!  :)


  1. Everything you are doing looks great!!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  2. I feel like I have learned just as much from blogging. Congratulations.

  3. I am a follower and love your blog!


  4. Lol! But I would say, indulge, no non-fat! :) I'm loving your owls and already follow :)
    Dual Kinder Teacher

  5. I am a follower!! Congrats on getting to 200 and I love the stools - you've inspired me!

  6. Congratulations! I love your blog: it's nice and you have great ideas!
    We follow you from Spain :)

  7. I love your blog! Thanks for the ideas! :)


  8. I am a follower AND I agree I have gained SOOO much from the blogging world this school year! :)

  9. I am a follower!

  10. I am a follower :)
    littlegray88 at yahoo dot com

  11. I follow and LOVE your blog!!

    Bee's KinderGarden

  12. I'm enjoying your blog!! I just came across it recently. I am a kindergarten teacher and love,love,love new ideas! It's sometimes hard to get creative when we're working so hard to meet the standards so any new little idea makes my day! :)-Kristin

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Thanks so much for the chance! :) I follow via gfc as Dee and I totally learn a lot from blogs that I follow as well (and from having blogged myself last year)

    deeg131 at gmail dot com

  15. I follow your DIY blog as Dee via gfc as well :)

    deeg131 at gmail dot com
