Saturday, October 1, 2011

Two More Awards

Thank You

Thank you Cachey Mama for the following awards:



It is very kind of you to nominate me for two more awards.   As with all awards there are some rules to follow:

Sorry if I'm a bit confused on the rules for the two awards but here is my  understanding of  the rules for both The Versatile Blogger and Blog On Fire combined:
1. Thank the person who shared the award with you. 
2. Pass this award to 15 recently discovered blogs and send them the button.
3. List 7 things about yourself.

I would like to give The Versatile Blogger Award & Blog On Fire  to the following blogs:
13.  A Teeny Tiny Teacher
14. Kindergarten Rocks
15.  KinderGals

Thank you for sharing all your wonderful ideas.....I love reading your blogs :)

Now Seven Quick Facts About Me.....

1.  I am to a wonderful person who puts up with my kindergarten craziness. (27 years)

2.  I have four wonderful children who are all grown up I am very proud of them. :)

3.  I started blogging in January....with my DIY/Organizing Blog.....but spend more time on my kindergarten blog.

4.  I love to bike.......if I could ..... I would wake up every morning and ride my bike for 20 miles and then get ready for school.  But I rarely get to ride my bike after school .....  I am toooo tired!

5.  I love to drink hot chocolates from Starbucks.
6.  When I am not teaching or organizing for kindergarten ...... I love decorating and doing projects!

This is one of my favorite projects from the summer.  I painted the red bench and the cute ladybug rock!

7.  The final thing I would like to share with you is how much I love my laptop!
This little laptop has opened me up to lots of new experiences......and the biggest change has been the Blogging World.  I have learned so much from blogs .....I love reading all the wonderful ideas people are willing to share.  I am amazed each day with how smart blogging people are.  I love the sharing what happens here.  


  1. Thanks for the nominations Sue! Love your fall wreath project on your fruitylemonade blog. Cute!
    - Leslie@KindergartenWorks

  2. Thanks so much for sharing all the wonderful ideas! You have a wonderful family to brag about!
    Would you be able to share the Apple card with the star inside? Also, the cut out apples that you have pictured, is this pattern from TLC projects?
    Thanks so much! Happy FAll!
